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公司品牌簡介Company Brand Introduction
Mad Max Brand
- 主營卡牌(Pokemon/One Piece/龍珠),球星卡類 (足球卡/藍球卡 NBA/ 美國職業棒球卡 /歐洲聯賽卡/運動類卡/收藏品類卡..) ,潮流玩(Be@rbrick/Kaws/Popmart/Robbi/Fool Paradise)等不同類型玩具及品牌聯乘品,涵蓋不同消費層面消費群體。由小朋友入門打Deck,到大眾潮流玩物,再到拍賣行級別之收藏品皆有涉獵,客戶遍佈東南亞,歐洲。
- 開業至今以穩行先,訂貨必派貨,派貨必快貨,出貨皆正貨嘅服務質素在業內獨樹一幟,口碑良好。
Mad Max Brand
Madmaxtoys is a retail service enterprise.
- Mainly engaged in cards (Pokemon/One Piece/Dragon Ball), soccer cards (soccer cards/blue ball cards NBA/ MLB cards/European League cards/sports cards/collectibles cards...), trendy games (Be@rbrick/Kaws/Popmart/Robbi/Fool Paradise) and other different types of toys and branded products, covering different consumer segments. The branded toys and branded multipliers such as Be@rbrick/Kaws/Popmart/Robbi/Fool Paradise cover a wide range of consumer groups at different levels. We cover a wide range of toys and branded multiples, covering different consumer segments. We have a wide range of toys and branded multiples, from children's entry-level decks, to popular trendy toys, to auction house-level collectibles, and our customers are located in Southeast Asia and Europe.
- Since the establishment of the company, we have been taking stability as the first priority, and the service quality of ordering goods must be dispatched, dispatching goods must be fast, and all the goods are genuine is unique in the industry, with a satisfying reputation.

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